With respect to nature of biking and our logistics the groups of 8 riders proved to be optimal. Of course, smaller groups can be formed as well, anyway the price for less than 6 participants rises substantially. All itineraries are situated on dirt forest roads and trails. Rarely we use paved connecting roads in the parks with no traffic. Despite numerous technical sections all tracks are safe and challenge rather our physical strength and stamina. We use our own marking on the routes and each rider keeps paper maps with track description. Also, navigation software with electronic maps and routes can be installed in your android and Garmin devices. On all tracks the group is accopanied by a guide familiar with surrounding terrain. All tracks are built as circuits of 25-45 kms with daily ascents of 750-1,250 metres. Altitudes range from 1,000 to 1,800 metres asl and in saddles we spend 2-4 net hours daily. Thus, we climb some 5,500-6,000 metres in five biking days. On some circuits we can take additional alternatives. Very special adventure is Etna ascent and downhill. Should meteo and volcanological situation allow we even attempt to reach the summit craters at nearly 3,300 metres. As all our itineraries take us in rough nature with substantial daily ascents we recommend to spent maximum efforts to prepare your bikes properly. The tracks are designed for mountain bikes exclusively and full suspensions is certainly good idea. Drinking water can be found only rarely so that we carry all water with us. On the other hand, the bathing spots are plenty.